  • workshop
Sep Sep 2024

Rituals, activism and other spells to ward off the end of the world during this Magick Desobedience workshop.

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  • Ecology
  • Imaginaries
  • Desobedience
  • Emancipation
  • Artivism
  • Activism
  • Social justice
  • Magic
  • talks
  • workshops
  • performances
  • walks
  • listening
  • book launch
Sep Sep 2024

This year Feral explores contemporary rituals as levers of collective strength.

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  • Ritual
  • Public space
  • Commons
  • Imaginaries
  • Emancipation
  • Bodies
  • Magic
  • Participation
  • Carnaval
  • Walking
  • Artivism
  • Activism
  • Queerness
  • Decolonial
  • Multiculturalism
Ophélie Mac coco
  • workshop
Oct Oct 2024
on application before
Sep 2024

Performative practices: Intimacy, Collectivity and Politics with Ophélie Mac coco from FATSABBATS for POC artists outside art schools.

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  • Formation professionnelle
  • Performance
  • Réseaux
  • Corps
  • Émancipation
  • Queerness
  • Anti-racisme
  • Anti-classisme
  • international seminar
May May 2024

An international group of producers gathers with peers for 4 days in Brussels during Kunstenfestivaldesarts.

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  • Co-learning
  • Production
  • Social justice
  • Professional training
  • Ethics of care
  • Kinship
Jeff Busby
  • workshop
May May 2024

Back to Back Theatre is in Europe, and even better, in Brussels ! During Kunstenfestivaldesarts, they are presenting their new piece Multiple Bad Things at the Théâtre National. Following their week of shows, they are giving a workshop at Cifas called Territorial Business. An opportunity not to be missed...

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  • Theatre
  • Performance
  • Territory
  • Commons
  • Accessibility
  • Bodies
  • Conflict
  • Anti-validism
La Bellone
  • seminar
Apr Apr 2024

Cifas and La Bellone are co-producing a seminar in the Dramaturgy Practices series. It is called 'Public Space Dramaturgy' and is lead by Danae Theodoridou.

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  • Co-learning
  • Dramaturgy
  • Public space
  • Bodies
  • Emancipation
  • Commons
  • Participation
  • collective reading
Jun 2024

A series of collective book readings focusing on performing art in public space.

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  • Co-learning
  • Network
  • Public space
  • Social justice
  • Participatory practices
  • Relational art
  • In situ
  • Artivism
  • Walking
  • conférence
  • artistic exploration
Apr 2024

Our partner IN SITU, European platform for artistic creation in public space, opens doors to the general public during its Open Day.

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  • Performance
  • Public space
  • Network
  • In situ
Daria Ivanova
  • workshop
Mar Mar 2024

Performing the intimate, making political fiction through writing and performance.

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  • workshop
Jan Apr 2024

Our co-learning programme for artists of all disciplines with a project in progress around performing art in the city.

See more
  • Co-learning
  • Network
  • Social justice
  • Participatory practices
  • Public space
  • Conflict