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Looking back at 2022's edition of festival Feral

At the invitation of Cifas, Brussels-based artist Céline Estenne has kept track of the various exchanges that took place during the festival Feral 2022, focused on the urban-rural interrelationship.

From the Bellone courtyard to the Le Début des Haricots urban farm, on the Waterbus or the Open Akker collective's plot of land, she offers us a sensitive journey, to the rhythm of the speakers' direct words and her own impressions.

Of course, 'the deer track is not the deer', as Céline writes. But like the festival itself, these personalised annals are an invitation to return, again and again, to the role that performing art can play in the making of the city, in connection with the rural world, in support of fairer, more generative ecologies of life and work…

Feel free to read Revue Feral on line or to print it out at home. To print: simply select the 'print as booklet' option, fold the A4 sheets in half and staple.