Practical Programme
Jul Jul 2020 08h00 16h00
Free access
Parc Josaphat

Join us for walks with storytellers at Parc Josaphat.

Les liaisons joyeuses

So Far, So Close...

Cifas and Théâtre et Réconciliation propose a new SIGNAL: walks with storytellers at Parc Josaphat.

Join us for a walk, let us whisper in your ear gentle blessings, delicate permissions, naive songs and sweet visions about your future.
Ten enveloping mothers will comfort you after the hard times you've been through.

The context

Usually they don't meet each other. They are people from Brussels, from different neighbourhoods and backgrounds, from different nationalities and cultures. They talk about stereotypes, love, education, war, their similarities. They have never been so close to you. Miraculously, thanks to this performance, they are gathered in the same space. It's funny, of course, and moving too! In the jargon, it's called social cohesion. And you, you'll come out of it transformed, promised!

An intimate, fresh and joyful performance. Which respects safety distances!
Several walks organised at the music kiosk (Josaphat Park) between 2 and 4pm on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 July 2020.
In French.

Practical information

Saturday 18 July 2020 - 14.00 > 16.00
Sunday 19 July 2020 - 14.00 > 16.00
Josaphat Park (music kiosk)
Free of charge*
Reservation recommended via with your name and your date and time slot preference.

*Solidarity rate: to help us after the health crisis, you can donate an amount of your choice on our PayPal account.

Directed by Frédérique Lecomte.
A production of Théâtre & Réconciliation, with the support of COCOF, in partnership with Cifas Asbl and La Tricoterie.
Image credit: Christine Mobers